Right to Repair

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 introduced the tenants' Right to Repair. The Right to Repair provides tenants with a statutory right to have certain repairs carried out within a specific timescale. Right to Repair covers certain repairs, known as 'qualifying repairs'' as set out in the table below up to a value of £350.

Qualifying Repair Maximum period in working days from date qualifying repair has been notified to the Association
Blocked flue to open fire or boiler                                          1 day
Blocked or leaking foul drains, soil stacks, toilet pans (where there is no other toilet in the property)                                          1 day
 Blocked sink, bath or drain                                          1 day
 Partial loss of electric power                                          3 days
 Total loss of electric power                                           1 day
 Insecure external window, door, lock                                           1 day
 Unsafe access path or step                                           1 day
 Leaks or flooding from water or heating pipes, tanks or cisterns                                           1 day
 Loss or partial loss of gas supply                                           1 day
 Loss or partial loss of space or water heating where no alternative heating is available                                           1 day
 Toilet not flushing (where there is no other toilet in the property)                                           1 day
 Unsafe power of lighting socket or electrical fitting                                           1 day
Partial loss of water supply                                          3 days
Total loss of water supply                                           1 day
Loose or detached banister or handrail                                           3 days
Unsafe timber flooring or stair treads                                           3 days
Mechanical extractor fan in internal kitchen or bathroom not working (where there is no external window or door)                                           7 days
What is a 'Qualifying Repair'?

A 'qualifying repair' is a small urgent repair which is the responsibility of the Association to carry out, the qualifying repairs as set out in the schedule to the Scottish Secure Tenants (Right to Repair) Regulations 2002 are set out in the table above on this page. The Right to Reapir schem covers repairs up to a maximum value of £350 for any single qualifying repair. When you report a repair to us, we will tell you if it is a 'qualifying repair'.

When does the statutory timescale to carry out a qualifying repair start?

The Right to Repair period starts on the first working after either the date when we receive the qualifying repair request from you, or where we require to inspect your home the date os the inspection. Please note that public holidays and Saturdays and Sundays are excluded).

What happens if work hasn't started on the qualifying repair i've reported by the final day of the Right to Repair period?

If our reactive repairs contractor has been notified of the qualifying repair but has not strated the qualifying repair by the last day of Right to Repair period, you have the right to instruct the work yourself, provided that you use our list of alternative contractors. We will not accept liabilty for costs incurred by tenants who fail to contact our alternative contractors and who engage non-approved contractors to carry out repairs.

Are there any exclusions to the list of qualifying repairs?

Yes, there are a number of instances which would be excluded from being a 'qualifying repairs, this includes the following circumstances:

  • Repairs which are not included on our list of 'qualifying repairs'.
  • Repairs occuring within the property's defects liabilty period which are the responsibility of the contractor.
  • Repairs which involve an element of recharging to the tenant (arising from breach of tenancy e.g. wilful damage).
  • Repairs which are not the Association's responsibility (e.g. where a repair is the result of a failure of a utility company).
  • Repair to common parts.
  • Where reasonable access has not been provided by the tenant either for an inspection or for actual repair work, provided the tenant has been given reasonable opportunity to provide access.
  • Where the repair was made safe whilst we await specialist components.
  • Where the Association could not reasonably have concluded the repair due to exceptional circumstances e.g. difficulty in obtaining delivery of materials or adverse weather conditions.
  • Where the Association has affected a temporary rerpair within the the agreed response time to prevent the immediate threat to the tenant's health, safety and/or security.

In any of the above scenarios, the tenant will be advised that the repair is excluded from the list of 'qualifying repairs'.