Our Governance
The Association is controlled by the communities it serves. The Management Committee sets the overall strategic direction of the Association and takes all the key decisions with regard to the Association.
The Management Committee is supported by the SFARS Board, Audit Committee and Staffing and General Purposes sub-committee which constitute the three sub-committees of our main Management Committee and complete our governance structure.
All of our committees, sub-committees and boards are largely composed of local residents and service users who work to ensure that the Association is accountable and delivers services appropriate to the needs of our local communities.
Our Management Committee acts as our governing body and is responsible for setting our aims and objectives and monitoring our progress in achieving them. Management Committee members meet once a month, ten times a year to:
- Set short and long terms objectives for the Association
- Discuss the overall operation of the Association in its use of resources, achievement of aims and objectives, financial viability and service delivery for tenants and service users
- Ensure that the Association meets its legal and regulatory obligations.