Right to Repair
The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 introduced the tenants' Right to Repair. The Right to Repair provides tenants with a statutory right to have certain repairs carried out within a specific timescale. Right to Repair covers certain repairs, known as 'qualifying repairs'' as set out in the table below up to a value of £350.
Qualifying Repair | Maximum period in working days from date qualifying repair has been notified to the Association |
Blocked flue to open fire or boiler | 1 day |
Blocked or leaking foul drains, soil stacks, toilet pans (where there is no other toilet in the property) | 1 day |
Blocked sink, bath or drain | 1 day |
Partial loss of electric power | 3 days |
Total loss of electric power | 1 day |
Insecure external window, door, lock | 1 day |
Unsafe access path or step | 1 day |
Leaks or flooding from water or heating pipes, tanks or cisterns | 1 day |
Loss or partial loss of gas supply | 1 day |
Loss or partial loss of space or water heating where no alternative heating is available | 1 day |
Toilet not flushing (where there is no other toilet in the property) | 1 day |
Unsafe power of lighting socket or electrical fitting | 1 day |
Partial loss of water supply | 3 days |
Total loss of water supply | 1 day |
Loose or detached banister or handrail | 3 days |
Unsafe timber flooring or stair treads | 3 days |
Mechanical extractor fan in internal kitchen or bathroom not working (where there is no external window or door) | 7 days |